Plan and create your Rift™ character before starting the character in game, so you will know what Souls and abilities to choose as you level up your character. Allows you to create Soul combinations you might not have otherwise tried when you were creating the character for the first time in game.
We love the game and do play regularly (addendum: we wish we had more time to play regularly). Creating the Soul Creator has been, and continues to be a fun project, we hope you enjoy it as much as we do.
+ Share to ZAM* (makes a url for
+ Universal, portrait/landscape!
+ iCloud support
+ Requires iOS 5.0 minimum version
+ Nearly limitless character creation.
+ Name each character that you create.
+ Delete characters.
+ Pick any combination of Souls for your class.
+ Five Roles per character.
+ Detailed information about each of the abilities.
Disclaimer: Soul Creator is not owned or endorsed by Trion Worlds. All the copyrighted information and content, trademarks and related materials regarding the Rift: Planes of Telara™ game are owned by Trion Worlds, Inc. (and its licensors, as applicable) and are used with Trion’s permission. All rights reserved.
*Soul Creator is not owned or endorsed by ZAM Network LLC.